Housing Counseling and Education
Community Progress Council and The York Housing Opportunity Center offer housing counseling and education services to the York Community. At this time, both physical offices are closed. Staff are working remotely to offer York residents the following services:
COUNSELING: Free Housing Counseling Services are available for BOTH homebuyers/owners and renters, through Community Progress Council (CPC) and the York Housing Opportunity Center.
- Counseling Services are being provided remotely. Community Progress Council can accommodate limited and urgent Face to Face Counseling services on a case by case basis.
- Community Progress Council Counseling During COVID-19 (Remote, in-person as needed):
- Rental Counseling
- Budget and Credit Counseling
- Pre-Purchase Counseling
- Pre-Closing Counseling
- Foreclosure Counseling
- York Housing Opportunity Center Counseling During COVID-19 (Remote):
- Budget and Credit Counseling
- Pre-Purchase Counseling
- Pre-Closing Counseling
- Foreclosure Counseling
Community Progress Council is offering Homeownership workshops in both English and Spanish remotely via videoconferencing. Contact 717-846-4600 x221 or email housing@yorkcpc.org.
York Housing Opportunity Center is working towards remote workshops. Please check www.lhop.org or call 717-827-4334 for more information.
York Housing Opportunity Center offers First-time Homebuyer Down Payment & Closing Cost Assistance through the York Homebuyer Assistance Program, helping first time homebuyers get into their first home. Please call Jeffery Miller at 717-827-4334 for more information.
RENTERS: Both Community Progress Council and The York Housing Opportunity Center can help Renters with questions regarding Landlord-Tenant or Fair Housing Concerns.
- The York Housing Opportunity Center Fair Housing and Landlord/Tenant Hotline is still open. Staff from both agencies are available to answer questions from renters, landlords, case workers, and anyone one involved in the rental housing community. This service provides information regarding fair housing issues, landlord/tenant rights and responsibilities, as well as updated information regarding how COVID-19 is impacting housing. Call 717-827-4334 to speak to Alaina for assistance.
For other updates regarding housing during the COVID-19 shutdown please feel free to call for questions, concerns, or assistance. You can also find updates via both the Community Progress Council and the York Housing Opportunity Center Facebook pages.
Community Progress Council Contact:
Phone: 717-846-4600 x 221
Email: housing@yorkcpc.org
York Housing Opportunity Center Contact:
Phone: 717-827-4334
Email: YHAP@lhop.org
Next Door
Bell Socialization Services opened its Next Door program in 2017 to offer support services and rental assistance to homeless, near homeless, and low-income individuals and families in York City and York County.
At this time, the office is closed to the public, but staff can be reached by calling the office, 717-356-2957.
Read more about their services here
The Coalition on Homelessness
The Coalition is charged with the planning to end homelessness in York County, managing the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), managing the Pathways to Home (Coordinated Assessment/Entry process), and coordinating and applying for funding for projects to end homelessness.
Read more about their services and useful resources here
York County Planning Commission
The York County Planning Commission is offering the York County and York City Home Improvement Program as well as the the York County and City Weatherization Assistance. To see if either of these programs can be of assistance to you, click here for more information.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps families living on low incomes pay their heating bills in the form of a cash grant.
Households in immediate danger of being without heat can also qualify for crisis grants.
For more information and eligibility requirements, click here
Temporary Assistance for Homeowners:
Homeowners with a Federal Housing Authority (FHA) Mortgage
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced on Wednesday that it will temporarily suspend all eviction and foreclosure actions for the next 60 days.
PA Supreme Court Orders Eviction Protection
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court extend a moratorium that ordered courts closed to eviction proceedings due to the COVID-19 state of emergency. The Court’s order is applicable to all Pennsylvania property owners, managers, landlords, as well as mortgage brokers and lenders. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ordered that renters and homeowners could not be evicted from their homes during the COVID19 pandemic, until April 30.
Attorney General Josh Shapiro wrote a letter to landlords and lenders seeking to build on the Court’s order to suspend evictions for a period of time after the lifting of the COVID-19 state of emergency.
The state Department of Banking and Securities suggests that people who can’t pay their rent due to a loss of income or illness should contact their landlords to work out a plan for their payment.
If you believe that you have been wrongfully evicted from your home or wrongfully had your property foreclosed, you can file a complaint with the Office of Attorney General.
If a First Energy/Met-Ed customer (residential or commercial) contacts Dollar Energy and alerts them that they have been affected by COVID-19, the following guidelines will be followed:
- If your household has experienced a complete loss of income: The household will be enrolled in PCAP at zero-income, requiring recertification in 6 months.
- If your household has experienced a partial loss of income: household will be enrolled in PCAP based on the remaining income that is being received.
- Household has experienced a loss of income and remaining income is for individual(s) under 18: household will be enrolled in PCAP at zero-income, requiring recertification in 6 months.
To sign up for these programs, please contact their credit and collection department at 1-800-545-7741.
At this time, First Energy/ Met-Ed are not pursuing termination of any services, however, 10-day notices are being mailed out to all customers. These notices are important because customers may need proof of delinquency to qualify for some assistance programs. This notice serves as their proof document and will not cause a termination of services.
Will not disconnect or issue out late fees for services during this time.
Will also provide families with 60 days of free internet services.
To sign up, applicants can simply visit www.internetessentials.com. The accessible website also includes the option to video chat with customer service agents in American Sign Language. There are also two dedicated phone numbers 1-855-846-8376 for English and 1-855-765-6995 for Spanish.
Please visit https://corporate.comcast.com/covid-19 for the most up-to-date information on Comcast’s response to the COVID-19 epidemic.
The York Water Company Response to COVID-19
Your water will not be shut off
We have suspended billing-related service shutoff in order to ensure the proper hygiene and health of our customers. You, as a York Water customer, are still responsible for any outstanding balance that you currently have, as well as any new charges. We recommend that you pay as much as you can when you are able, but rest assured that we will not apply late charges or turn off your water service during this public health crisis. Your water service may potentially be interrupted for a brief period of time for emergency work if that work becomes necessary.
We are practicing social distancing
For employee and customer safety, The York Water Company has closed its front office in historic downtown York to the public. Customers can visit our website at www.yorkwater.com to pay their bill, apply for service, or request to end service. Our Customer Service team is also available by phone to take payments and answer any questions regarding your water service between the hours of 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Our helpful Customer Service team can be reached at: customer.service@yorkwater.com or by calling 717-845-3601.