HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, recently donated personal protective equipment (PPE) and supplies to four facilities in the region in response to a need during the global coronavirus pandemic. Items were collected and delivered by faculty in HACC’s School of Health Sciences.
Donations from HACC’s York Campus were delivered to Wellspan York Hospital on March 27 and included:
- Face shield masks – 25
- Gloves – 12 boxes in various sizes
- Goggles – 7 pairs
- Gowns – 50
- Masks – 500
- N95 respirator masks – 35
- PPE kits (gloves, gown, mask, hair cover and shoe covers) – 51
“Nursing is a team sport!” shared Cindy Donell, Director of Nursing at the York Campus of HACC. “The Wellspan York Hospital administration and nursing team at have always stepped up and partnered with our Nursing Program to provide quality nursing education. The nursing staff at the hospital are heroes fighting to protect York County. HACC is proud that many of those heroes are graduates of our Nursing Program.”
Donell shares a personal story of the impact as well, stating, “I told a 2019 graduate of our program that I was feeling guilty about not being on the front lines of patient care. Her response was that I and the rest of the nursing faculty are on the front lines with her. She knows what to do because we taught her how.”
Pictures with Donell is Greg Blake, HACC York Campus Security, loading supplies.